I am regarded by physicians, nurses, and families I have worked with as an even-tempered, resilient human being. I have been a calm presence for families in the emergency room. I have a sense of meaning and purpose, even a mission. I ease patients and families through difficult end-of-life transitions.
I want to teach you to gain control of your emotions and your psyche and transcend the difficult task of caregiving. I am passionate about helping those grappling with grief and death of loved ones. I especially want to help doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals gain resilience amid a stressful and rigid medical system that doesn’t always provide wellness and spiritual resources.
I have been a reporter, an editor, a project manager, and a freelance writer. I wrote 45 books on a variety of topics from selling on eBay to writers in Chicago. I have been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since 1989.
In 2015, at age 58, I embarked on a new career: professional chaplain. I was board certified in 2018. I have worked at a hospice and on the palliative care service at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. Now I’m retired and ready for a new career: helping clinicians, caregivers, and those grappling with grief and death gain resilience, strength, and transcendence.
For the glory of the most high God, and the education of my neighbor.