
Four-page biographical printed booklet.

Two-page printed flyer

Audio Recording (Coming Soon!)


Eulogies (Non-Religious)

Eulogy (Religious)

About Me

Hi, I'm Daley. I fetch Greg’s email and bring it to him. Getting your messages gets me a treat. So send as many messages as you want! Welcome to our blog!

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Books I’ve Written

From 1995 to 2014, I worked as a trade book author. This seems like another life to me now. In 1994, I was working at the University of Chicago in their College Publications office. At that time, a coworker began showing me something called the World Wide Web, as seen through a web browser called Netscape. My supervisor’s husband was a columnist and book author himself. He recruited me to write one of the first books about creating content on the Web. Unfortunately, it was only for Macintosh users. The Mac was in the dumps in those days, and that book didn’t sell well. (Others for Windows became best-sellers.)

This started a new career for me. I found I was able to write two or three such books for year. In 1998, I wrote a book called Starting an Online Business for Dummies that did become a best-seller and went on to six editions.

I was able to work at home and support myself while raising my daughters, which was my primary goal. I also was able to write a few non-computer books, such as Karma Kids and Literary Chicago.

The links before will take you to lists of my older, computer-oriented books, and new books about my experience as a hospital chaplain and my own spiritual history.

Books 1995-2014

I was going to compile a complete list, but Goodreads has a pretty nice one with thumbnails of various books I cranked out, so I suggest you check that out.

The books I personally value include these:

New Books

[Coming Soon!]