What's Special About Birds?

We know that birds are beautiful, graceful, playful, colorful, and musical.

I believe they are important for another reason: they are guides.

Birds guide us from the earth, to which we are seemingly bound, into the air. They point the way forward for us, from the realm of earth and matter into the realm of air and spirit. They protect us as well.

In many ancient cultures, birds were particularly powerful. As the mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote in Primitive Mythology (p. 258):

In many lands the soul has been pictured as a bird, and birds commonly are spiritual messengers. Angels are but modified birds. But the bird of the shaman is one of particular character and power, endowing him with an ability to fly in trance beyond the bounds of life, and yet return.

Helping injured birds, as Maureen McFadden relates in her interview, must be a particularly powerful experience. She heals the birds, and the birds heal her.

All this is to explain why you see so many birds and references to birds in my life.

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